FARMOOR WI is open to all woman of all ages. We meet regularly once a month at Farmoor Village Hall on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm for 7.30pm. (except August).
We are not all about Jam and Jerusalem as the myth goes! But there is always food and drink involved.
We have very interesting speakers throughout the year, organise outings to various different places, trips to the theatre, BBQ’s, meals out and many other events some of which include partners or friends.
Please come and try us out for FREE for the first three visits - we are a very friendly group with a very warm welcome.
For more information please contact Maggie Benstead - Tel: 01865 865246 or Mob: 07818483403
We look forward to seeing you!
The roots of the School of Medieval European Fencing (SMEF) were established in the mid 1980's and it was renamed from the School of Traditional Medieval Fencing (STMF) in 2013, being originally associated with Wolfsbane Historical Society in the late 1980's and early 90's. The school has researched, translated, interpreted and practised many manuscripts during this time, including the various masters from medieval Europe through to the later styles and disciplines of the 17th and 18th Centuries.
The School of Medieval European Fencing (SMEF) practises the art of swordsmanship as taught by the great C14th German fencing master Johannes Liechtenauer. No specific text has yet been directly attributed to Liechtenauer, other than through those manuscripts written by Liechtenauer's followers. These include Nürnberger Handschrift (a.k.a. Dobringer) (GNM 3227a); Sigmund Schining ain Ringeck (MS Dresden C487); Psudo Peter von Danzig (MS 1449); Martin Syber (MS.M.I.29, MS.E.1939.65.341); Paulus Kal (MS 1825, Cgm 1507); Johannes Lecküchner (Cod.Pal.germ.430, Cgm 582) and Joachim Meyer (MS.A.4º.2, MS.Var.82), to name but a few.
The Group meet on the last Monday in every month at 7pm until 9:30pm
Farmoor Bowls Club is a very friendly and welcoming group who have been meeting regularly since 1989.
If you would like to join in and experience bowls for yourself just come along on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. You don't need any special equipment and your first session is free.
With over 38 years’ experience in competitive obedience dog training.
It was both my love of dogs and the enjoyment I gained from training them that led me to start Goody 4 Paws in 2004. I offer high-quality training in/around Oxford and Abingdon.
Underpinning my training methods is kindness. My methods are reward-based, ensuring that puppies, dogs, handlers all have an enjoyable experience. Classes are small, with individual attention given to each handler for every exercise. Puppies up to 6 months of age for the puppy training course and dogs over 6 months of age for the dog training course. At the end of each class, comprehensive handouts are given, detailing all exercises covered and the methods of training to use as an aide memoir.